Apparatus in a Laboratory - their functions (Part 1)
'Apparatus' -- sounds like 'rempah-ratus' (malay words meaning spices). There are many types of rempah-ratus in the kitchen; similarly, there are a lot of different apparatus used in a laboratory. Here, you will find out the commonly seen apparatus in a laboratory and their functions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A) Boiling tube and test tube A boiling tube is a cylindrical vessel with one end open and the other end closed. It is used to heat substances in the flame of a Bunsen burner. Meaning, a test tube, which look like a boiling tube, is used to hold small samples or chemical substances. To differentiate a boiling tube and a test tube, do not assume but simply read the labels on their surfaces -- although -- in general, a boiling tube is bigger than a test tube in approximately 50%. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ B) Beaker A beaker ...